Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Journey Towards Atheism

I can’t remember when I decided that I was an atheist; I think I just never had the talent to believe. I was never abused as a child or exposed to any traumatic event that would cause me to stop believing in a god. My family has never been a close knit one and going to church has never been mandatory.  I remember in high school when I read Revelations I was terrified, literally, i am a skeptic and all I could think about was not making it in heaven, been ruled over for a thousand years by Lucifer. This is probably when I started questioning the bible and the idea of the Judeo-Christian god. I kept asking myself how a loving and merciful creator could allow all that suffering to his children, the details of the end of days and the apocalypse are enough to make several Hollywood horror movies. No self-respecting parent should even allow their kids to read that stuff! In high school we were forced to attend church otherwise I would have never set foot in church in the long hard years I was in high school. I never felt anything during church services; other students would cry during prayers, others would give testimonies of how god changed them etc. I always felt spiritually indifferent no matter how hard I tried to pray or worship in the church services. By then I was not even aware of the term atheism, I sort of believed in god but my definition was vague and not very well thought about. In campus it’s when I realized the bible couldn’t be the word of god, I was in a bible study group, whenever we read and tried to interpret the verses it occurred to me that people would read the bible and then try to make it fit into their world views, whatever could not was re-interpreted to do so. I decided to read the whole bible for myself, it was an epic  journey where discovered the ignorance, the threats and the inconsistencies that made up the bible, I am studying psychology and that has helped me to understand what would make one want to believe in such fairy tales as I like to call them. Freud’s “On the future of an illusion offers a brilliant explanation on the belief in god, on my journey in atheism I have come to encounter works of brilliant minds such as Daniel Dennet , Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens among others. Christopher Hitchens remains my favorite to date, his intellect, rhetoric, humor and wit never cease to amaze, I have made it a personal endeavor to collect and read all his works, he has recently been diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus, he might succumb to it anytime soon but his works forever immortalize him. Being an atheist in an overly religious state has not been without its challenges, I have lost many friends especially the religious ones, they seem to think that I am possessed and that the devil is misleading me, some have even deleted me as friends on Facebook ( you would think the religious would be tolerant towards the ‘lost sheep’). On the positive side I have met wonderful people who share my views on god and appreciation for rational thinking; I have met and engaged brilliant minds who refuse to be mentally confined by religion and wishful thinking. I have made it my lifelong task to attain enlightenment, to enjoy every moment of my passing life, to gain knowledge even for its own sake, to make bonds with those I cross paths with, that when I am gone the memories will immortalize me in their thoughts. Every day I make efforts to improve myself as a human being and to be a better person, isn’t that the whole point of existence?


  1. Atheism seems to be working for you, and as much as you'd expect these religiuos folks to at least make an effort to relate, you are to sinful for their ilk........just saying

  2. Hmmm.....I need to also do a title on how I ended up where I am.
    Good stuff Nelson.

  3. Interesting. Though given the black here I can see why demons may have entered into you...

  4. This is a good story but long... good though.
    I remember when I became an atheist. I was wondering why other people thought different from me. I asked a lot of questions and started searching for answers, after doing just a little research I realised that religion didn't hold water. It was bullshit and I was thinking to myself, how could I have believed all this shit all my life?

  5. well said Sylvia. it happens to all of us, you suddenly realize religion is BS
